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Sydney has had a really good friend this school year named Marley. Today while we were waiting for Austin after math class, Marley and her dog were at the school waiting for her brother. Sydney loves her dog, Roxy, so the two were playing together. Her dad took this picture for me of them having a great time together.Day 59: ChorleyAge: 81 days old
Well this is the show that we are really into right now. We are without a DVR this year, so we are basically behind on EVERY show that we watch. Either we aren't home in time, the kids are still up, or doing things around the house, so we never get to sit down on watch a show when it's time. So we have been watching a few things via Netflix. Right now the show of the moment.. How I met Your Mother. We watch anywhere from 2 or 3 episodes a night before bed, just to unwind. It's kind a mix of Friends and Scrubs, some of our other fave shows.Day 58: ChorleyAge: 80 days old
Soup... yum!! I don't know what it is about this year, but the end of my pregnancy I started craving soup, not a specific kind, just soup. Well it's carried over and I feel like it's my go to meal. Anything from clam chowder, tortilla soup, lobster bisque, tomato basil, anything you just gotta love some soup.Day 57: chorleyAge: 79 days old
Friday =s Purple Pride day at our house, again.. lol.. When we lived in Utah the Sego Lily school colors were purple and white. Well when we moved here, it's all about purple and white again. Luckily if the kids can't find their school shirt, or it's in the wash, they always have their Sego Lily shirts to wear. I guess we will never have a shortage of seeing purple on Fridays.Day 55: ChorleyAge: 77 days old
Tonight we made our cake ahead of time to take for tomorrow night's Scouts Blue and Gold Dinner. Each boy had to make a birthday cake and bring it. Austin wanted a baseball theme, esp one with the Boston Red Sox on it, his last year's baseball team. This is what we came up with. Austin helped make the cake, some of the frosting and then mom and dad helped with the details. He was super excited with how it turned out.Day 53:ChorleyAge: 75 days old
Well one thing I never had growing up was homework on the computer. Austin has come home a couple of times this year with homework to do on the internet. Today was math and learning about fractions. He would listen to a 5 minute lecture, then have some problems to solve from the lecture. He has three nights of this homework, and 6 lessons each. He really enjoyed it, and I almost wish he had more homework on the internet, because he actually went ahead and did more of it.Day 52: ChorleyAge: 74 days old
Today we got to see the Jessops for a little bit before they headed back home. The cousins called each other several times in the morning till we came over to grandma and grandpa's house, something that I remember doing as a kid when my cousins came down. The kids realllly miss their cousins alot, esp since we lived by each other, only 10 minutes away, for 7 years. Now 4 hours away, and not getting to see their cousins all the time, it seems like forever in between visits. It was really fun to watch Lincoln and Chorley together. They are basically only 3 months apart, so it's fun to see how much Chorley will grow in the next couple of months. They are sooooo sweet.Day 51: ChorleyAge: 73 days old
Today was Chorley's baby blessing and we were sooo excited for this special family day. Jeremy gave the most beautiful, heartfelt blessing that just made me cry. It also made me realize how special Chorley is to our family, and how incredibly blessed we are to have her in our family, and be blessed with such a sweet, wonderful little person in our lives. We've waited a looong time for her to come to our family, and though she is only barely over 2 months old, I can't imagine our family without her at all. She is so mellow, easy going, and such a good baby, it really makes everything so easy. My heart is so full of how much I love her, and I know that will only grow more and more everyday.We had some family come up for the blessing, my parents were here, the Jessops came, and Jeremy's parents came out for it. Eric and his girlfriend came over later on to visit, which was really nice. It was a wonderful family day to spend with people that we love.Day 50: CholeyAge: 72 days old
Today was opening day for Sydney's softball season. Her team name is the Shooting Stars and she is sooo excited to play. She is also a bit nervous too. The last time she played was tball when she was 5. I LOVE that they are Torrance Tartars colors too. Sydney did great, she was up to bat twice and the first one had a SUPER amazing hit, out to the green, and the second hit was a great pop fly but got caught by the other team. She played in the field and 2nd base. She is just the lil softball player, I can't wait to see how she does over the season.Day 49: ChorleyAge: 71 days old
Cleaning day.. It's kinda something that I've been putting off for a bit, I mean I do small cleans here and there, but a big, huge house cleaning I have been not too excited to do and being avoiding it. Partially, I'm not 100% from my csection and don't have my energy back up to what it used to be. (yes the next day I was pretty sore too). But today, I cleaned the house, did laundry, changed the beds, and got it all in order for the company this weekend. The house smelled great, was super clean and I'm a happy camper.Day 48: ChorleyAge: 70 days old
Well the crock pot has been my BFF yesterday and today. When I just had Chorley I was told that I was going to be receiving some help by being given some time to help me prepare some freezer dinners to make my readjusting period easier, but somehow that never came about, and I was seriously disappointed. I really miss having my mothers freezer meal swap group with the family and friends that I did when I was in Utah. I was looking forward to stocking up my freezer with some quick and easy meals. Esp with Austin's baseball games and practices, Sydney's softball practices and games, Austin with 2 days of after school math, one night of teaching Scouts, Sydney with activity days, and trying to get Chroley's feeding in there, and make dinner. Jeremy ended up going to back into working in the office again, a week sooner than we expected, so I needed some quick meal asap!!! So yesterday and today I've been cooking chicken in this crockpot almost nonstop to get some freezer meals done in and in the freezer. so far I've made:3 batches of chicken tortilla soup2 meals of Hawaiian chicken1 meal of Salsa chicken2 meals of Creamy Bacon chicken1 meal of Cheesy Italian chickenMost of the meals just need to be served with rice, or noodles and some veges from the steamer and we are good to go. I am super excited that I got soooo much done too.Day 47: ChorleyAge: 69 days old
Our silly doggie Lily, sometimes is very silly. She will get new toys and basically tear them apart until she reaches the "stuffing" of the toy. Then she feels she has succeeded in playing with the toy and is done with it. I don't feel the need to buy her new toys, but Jeremy gets sucked into getting her something "new" everytime he goes to Pet Smart. I have to tell Jeremy "No new toys!!!" yet last time he still came home with a new one. At least she is cute puppy and doesn't eat our shoes or other things.Day 46: ChorleyAge: 68 days old
Today was Valentines Day, I had all the kids dress in reds also. The kids got to exchange Valentines at school and were super excited to do that. The kids also got Valentines from the grandparents, and I always get them a little something, make them a card and leave it as a surprise for them on their bed. Jeremy and I get to indulge in a lovely chocolate satin pie this evening.. yeah for Marie Calender cheap pie month!!Day 45: ChorleyAge: 67 days old (big smiles)
Wow!!! The Simpsons are celebrating their 500 episodes!!! and so they had a big, huge party for the special occasion. Jeremy's work was invited of course, so we got to go out on a date to the big shin-dig. There was the yummiest food and dessert bar, I was a huge fan of the cake pops. There was a great band, games to play, Bart and Lisa to take pictures with and of course see all of Jeremy's work friends. It was at the Roosevelt Hotel in Hollywood, basically in the heart of Hollywood, somewhere that we don't go often, so of course I took a few pics.Day 44: ChorleyAge: 66 days old
Today was friends day over after school, both Austin and Sydney had a friend over, Sydney had Marley and Austin had Nathan. They played pretty well all together. Austin and Nathan played outside, some legos, and watched some Netflix. Sydney and Marley played their DSs against each other, did cheers and watched some Netflix also. Both of them had a blast, but I was pretty wiped out in the end.Day 41: ChorleyAge: 63 days old
Every Thursday night is a practice spelling test with the kids. I remember getting a practice test from my parents, so it's one thing we do at our house. Usually I say the word and then make up a silly sentence with the word, so the practice test doesn't seem too boring. Last week, I did connecting sentences and added on each word previously used in the sentence, the kids were laughing so hard they could barely take their tests. At least homework can sometimes be fun.Day 40: ChorleyAge: 62 days oldthis photo was when she was sleeping and squirming, it was too cute to resist.
The last few weeks, Jeremy has been working at home and it's been great. He goes out to the back house and has his office set up out there. Usually I get to scrapbook for maybe an hour or two also out there, since my space is set up out there also. So I bring Chorley in the bouncer, and the three of us hang out, listen to music and are able to chat. I totally LOVE this and makes life happy.Day 39: ChorleyAge: 61 days old
Today was Chorley's 2 month appointment. I was sooo excited to see how much she had grown, because I know she has gotten ALOT bigger. Well she is up to 12 lbs, 6 oz (which is almost 4 whole pounds) which is in the 87% range and is 23 3/4" long which is in the 93% range ( almost 4 inches longer). Talk about a growing baby!!! She seems healthy in all aspects right now, and I loved taking this picture of her looking in the mirror at herself. But, she did have to get 3 shots, 2 in the legs and one by mouth- which is pretty cool, and one less shot to get in the body. She took them like a trooper, I may have cried more than she did. And she calmed down in a matter of minutes. Though later on that night, she started screaming in pain, I could tell one of her poor lil legs was stiff and in pain. She cried for almost an hour and a half, and not much was calming her down. I felt horrible for her, since she didn't understand, I have never ever heard her cry so much, poor thing. But today, she is back to herself.Day 38: ChorleyAge :60 days, 2 months
Chopsticks... yup... to most people they aren't a big deal and you would think for a total sushi eater, that I would have been using them all this time. Nope, I'm the one girl who asks for a fork when I go out for sushi. Jeremy has tried to teach me many times... He says to hold them like a pencil, well I don't hold my pencil the normal way, so that didn't work. Today I forgot to ask for a fork and the girl took a long time to come back. So I braved it, and ate all my sushi with just chopsticks today!!! A new me:)Day 37: ChorleyAge: 59 days old
Today was a day full of cuddles.. We've had a cold that has been going around our house. First me, then Jeremy, then Austin, then at church, Chorley did a HUGE spit up with phlem all over me and my shirt, enough I had to go home and change. Poor lil thing. She just didn't seem herself all day, she was pretty sleepy and pretty tender. So I spent most of the day cuddling and napping with her. I didn't get much done, but I didn't really care, it was nice to just enjoy her and her cuddles.Day 36: Chorley ( I really like the funny face she is making)Age : 58 days old
One thing I love about Saturdays is when they are lazy Saturdays.. the chores are already done, and there's nothing on the calender.. that's sure going to change soon once the baseball and softball season get going in action. But today we took it easy, hung out and ended the night by making cookies. Sydney was my mini chef helper... and we made mint chocolate chip cookies. I tried a new recipe, I'm always on the prowl for a new recipe to try, esp cookies, so we'll see how these ones turned out. The cookie dough was pretty good:)Day 35: ChorleyAge: 57 days old
Today was one of Austin's practice baseball games. He is on the Rangers team this year, but they figured out a schedule with the other teams to get some pre season practice games going, and the boys love it too. Austin showing off his LA side got up to bat. He walked, and ended up stealing all his bases and even stole homebase to bring in a run and tie up the game, at that point. He did good and even caught a pop fly at 2nd base. He really enjoys playing baseball and we all love to go to the games together as a family. Later that night, we grabbed some yummy El Paso with grandma and grandpa.. gotta love the chips and salsa...Day 34: ChorleyAge: 56 days old